This captivating historical novel, written by Al Lacy, immediately snatches the reader into the war that separated a nation which divided their loyalties, but not their hearts.
Faithful to her family and the land of her birth, young Jenny Jordan covers for her father's Confederate spy missions. But as she grows closer to handsome Union soldier Buck Brownell, Jenny finds herself torn between devotion to the South and her feelings for the man she is forbidden to love.
When I began reading the first chapter, I realized this wasn't the usual historical romance novel. The author provides extensive detail into the first battles of the Civil War to the point that I'm now curious and want to research some of the information he provides.
Meanwhile, the heroine, Jenny Jordan, finds herself in a real dilemma when she falls in love with a Union officer while her father helps to establish a Confederate spy ring. I would not have wanted to be in Jenny's position to face a decision of loyalty to her southern heritage or if she should follow her own feelings of love for someone she truly loves.
If you find the Civil War and it's many issues involved with this part of American history, I promise you a suspenseful book to read.
Al Lacy is an accomplished fiction author who has written over fifty historical novels and westerns. I want to add that I found it quite interesting to learn that Mr. Lacy has upheld his standards for writing which are based on the Bible. Since he has been writing for the Christian publisher of Questar Publishers and Multnomah Books, he has been blessed. I'm glad to be introduced to a new author!
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook
Multnomah Publishing Group for this review".