Choosing to Stand for What Matters Most is the topic Kim Meeder, author of "Fierce Beauty", shares with inspiring true stories from her own life of adventure, love, and loss.
Real beauty isn’t a look, it’s an action.
This is now one of my favorite books. Why? Kim has a way of writing that makes me feel as if she's sitting across the table from me and sharing each story she has written.
The story of sitting on the boulder "no matter how stable things in this life might seem nothing in this world is going to last - nothing" confirms that we each have a choice to make about our future with Christ. No amount of beauty, popularity, power, wealth, or anything the world can supply can keep us from crumbling or prevent us from dying. That's a pretty humbling statement.
Another chapter tells the story of the mama grizzly bear. "Why do you think the Lord allowed us to be charged by a bear?" Kim asked her friends traveling with her through Yellowstone National Park. Reflecting on their encounter, one of them replied, "I want to be just as ferocious as a charging bear toward anything that comes between me and God" You'll want to read the entire story to understand how light and darkness cannot live in the same place. So true.
I hope you'll take time to read this book filled with well-told gems of true stories.
Thanks to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for sending me a free copy of this book to review.